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14th IFRAians

Alumni Class of Fall 2014


김준영 (Junyoung Kim)
15th Vice President

Business Administration, Korea University

Education |

Mar.10 - Present

Business Administration, Korea University

Work Experience |

Feb.18 - Present

Citibank, Global Markets, Analyst


류다영 (Dayoung Ryoo)
15th HR Manager

Psychology, Korea University

Education |

Mar.10 - Present

Psychology, Korea University

Aug.13 - Dec.13

University of Pennsylvania (Exchange Student)

Mar.07 - Feb.10

Taegu Foreign Language High School

Work Experience |

Apr.14 - Jun.14

McKinsey & Company (Research Intern)

Aug.13 - Dec.13

Wharton Small Business Development Centre (Student Consultant)


박신영 (Shinyeong Park)

Division of International Studies, Korea University

Education | 

Mar.10 - Present

Division of International Studies, Korea University

Aug.15 - Dec.15

IESEG School of Management (Exchange Student)

Work Experience |

Feb.18 - Present

Gaw Capital Partners (HK), Real Estate, Analyst

Apr.15 - Jul.15

World Health Organization, Health Systems

Mar.15 - Mar.15

Bain & Company, Research Assistant

Mar.14 - Aug.14

Ministry of Justice, International Legal Affairs


이동진 (Dongjin DJ Lee)
16th President

Business Administration, Korea University

Education |

Mar.09 - Feb.17

Korea University Business School

Work Experience |

Jan.21 - Present

Morgan Stanley (Hong Kong), Associate

Aug.19 - Dec.20

Morgan Stanley (Seoul), Associate

Jan.17 - Jul.19

Morgan Stanley (Seoul), Analyst

Aug.16 - Dec.16

Goldman Sachs IBD (Seoul), Intern

Nov.15 - Jul.16

CVC Capital Partners, Intern

Apr.15 - Jul.15

Shinhan PE, Intern

Jan.15 - Apr.15

CIMB IBD, Intern


이상훈 (Sanghun Lee)
16th Vice President

Business Administration, Korea University

Education |

Mar.09 - Feb.17
Korea University Business School

Mar.05 - Dec.07

Daeil Foreign Language High School

Work Experience | 

Jan17 - Present

Hyundai Insurance Asset Management, Alternative Investment

Apr.16 - Aug.16

Korea Development Bank PE, Intern

Nov.15 - Jan.16

JKL Partners, Private Equity, Intern


진장원 (Jangwon Chin)
15th General Manager

Business Administration, Korea University

Education |

Mar.11 - Present

Korea University Business School


Stephen Chance

University of California, Davis

Education |

Mar.10 - Dec.14

Economics, University of California, Davis

Sep.12 - Jul.13

Keio University Study Abroad

Aug.14 - Dec.14

Korea University Study Abroad

Work Experience |

Feb.16 - Present

Goldman Sachs (Singapore), Securities Associate

Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong), Operations Senior Analyst

Goldman Sachs (Salt Lake City, UT), Operations Analyst

Mar.15 - Aug.16

TorreyCove Capital Partners, San Diego, CA, PE Risk Management Analyst

Apr.14 - Jun.14

Morgan Stanley, Sacramento Branch, Financial Training Program, Intern


14th IFRAians: Meet The Team
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